
Showing posts from June, 2022

Stokes and McCullum Take Off in Style (Eng vs Nz first test 2022)

En route to the WTC final, England lost to India to fail to progress to the final. However, since then, it has not been practically what a member of the three giants should be. They have lost the spark, the resilience, and the ability to put in the extra effort to get to the right side of the finish line. All of this and the loss of the Ashes Cup, there was a change in the coach-captain roles and the rest, as they say, is history. Although the same mistakes were repeated by the older fellows, the newbies and Root, of course, pulled it off and showed why a blank canvas was demanded by Stokes instead of a reset. Both the teams provided an exciting clash but let us see what each player has, to take back. Not the Best of Starts for New Zealand It is not a good omen if your openers score a total of 17 runs in both innings combined, a fate NZ had to suffer. All 4 dismissals came behind the wicket, disallowing any of them from being exempted from the misjudgment category. That all the dismiss